Your Complete Guide To Motivation: What is Motivation & How To Get Motivated Now

Motivation is what makes you get up in the morning.

If it weren’t for at least some amount of motivation, you’d probably just keep lying under the covers until you disintegrate into the bedsheets while hopelessly wishing for golden cups full of coffee to magically appear in front of you, ready to be drunk.

Alas, unfortunately for us human beings, we have to work with what life’s given us and get up to make the coffee ourselves.

While you don’t need that much motivation to drink coffee – your survival drive is so strong it mostly does the job for you – making yourself work on that dreaded assignment or going for a 2mile run early in the morning is a completely different story.

The main difference between these tasks lies in your needs. According to an American psychologist Abraham Maslow, there exists a certain hierarchy of needs that have to be taken care of before you can take the next step on your self-development journey: